
       近日,德国莱茵TÜV轮胎尝试室经由过程了SASO注册合适性评估机构R-CABs的评审。经由过程该评审意味着TÜV莱茵取得了沙特阿拉伯贸易部(MoCI)“实行产物平安打算”——SALEEM的官方承认,成为其授权的合适性评估机构,有天资为出口沙特阿拉伯的企业实行相干产物的合适性查验检测,进一步扩年夜和增强了其特定产物的测试规模和能力。 TÜV莱茵年夜中华区交通办事司理苏睿暗示:凭仗着TÜV莱茵在轮胎检测范畴多年堆集的丰硕经验、专业的手艺程度和办事能力,TÜV莱茵始终在助力本土企业进军国际市场上竭尽全力。在中东市场的准入方面,TÜV莱茵做了详实的市场政策、法令律例方面的查询拜访,力求完美本身的检测天资,扩年夜办事收集,从而帮忙企业更快速地掌控方针市场的趋向和商机,在手艺和品质方面和目标国的尺度接轨,使他们高效地实现‘走出去’。 布景 / Background “成立消费者在市场上在售产物的信赖度”,“确保生意两边的公允商业”是沙特阿拉伯贸易部(MoCI)的两年夜计谋方针,作为“沙特阿拉伯2020国度转型打算”的一部门,同时也是“沙特阿拉伯2030前景”的主要阶段。(MoCI)已启动“产物平安打算”,即SALEEM,以到达上述计谋方针。 “Build Consumer Confidence in products sold in the market” and “Guarantee Fair Trade between the Consumer and the seller” are 2 Strategic Objectives of MoCI as part of “Saudi National Transformation Program 2020” a step of “Saudi Arabia Vision 2030”, MoCI have set the initiative “Launch of Product Safety Program” , SALEEM Program to achieve these Strategic Objective. SALEEM 介绍 / Introducti����Ϸappon of SALEEM SALEEM是集制订律例,手艺要乞降节制办法为一体的综合系统,旨在确保”本本地货品”和“进口产物”的平安。 另外,还要包管立法和治理部分供给有用的办事, 确保产物合适手艺律例, 特殊是与健康、平安、情况和“节能”有关的根基手艺要求。 SALEEM is an integral System that Sets the Regulatory Requirements, Technical Requirements, and Control Measures with the aim of Ensuring the Safety of both “Local Manufactured products” and “imported Products”. The aim is also to insure the effectiveness of services provided by legislative and regulating entities to achieve safety through the conformity of these products with technical regulations, especially the fundamental technical requirements related to Health, Safety, Environment, and “Energy Preservation and Conservation”. 产物风险种别 / Product Risk Categories SALEEM打算进一步将产物归类为三种风险种别: 非管束产物: 低风险产物 (LRP), 管束产物: 中风险产物 (MRP), 或高风险产物 (HRP) . 轮胎属在中风险产物,需要取得由注册合适性评估机构(R-CABs)签发的装运前查验批次合适性CoC证书、轮胎产物SASO证书和标签. The SALEEM program further classifies products into three risk categories: Unregulated: Low-Risk Products (LRP), Regulated: Medium-Risk Products (MRP), or High-Risk Products (HRP) when determining which Technical Regulations must be applied. Vehicle tires which be classifies as medium-risk product need product shipment CoC issued by R-CABs, SASO product CoC, and SASO labels. SALEEM 实行东西 / SALEEM Tools SABER是由SASO设计共同SALEEM实行的收集东西,作为供给商和合适性评估机构(R-CABs)的交互平台,将来将用在签发装运前查验批次合适性CoC证书. Saber is a web-based application by SASO which can be used for the issuance of the Product shipment CoC certificate and acts as an interface between Suppliers and R-CABs in future. SL S 用在申请轮胎产物SASO证书和标签 SL S is used to apply Saudi labels for tires on https://tires.sls.gov.sa 注册合适性评估机构 (R-CABs) / Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies (R-CABs) 注册合适性评估机构包罗产物认证机构、注册尝试室、查抄机构、质量治理系统认证机构,应遵守公道性和保密法则: 注册尝试室可进行注册规模内的能效测试,对汽车轮胎的转动阻力和湿地抓地力,注册规模应涵盖的律例为SASO 2857/2016 Registered CABs = Product Certification Body (PCB), Labs, Inspection Bodies, Management Systems Certification Body, maintaining Confidentiality, Impartiality and Equality. Registered LABs will be able to perform the Energy Efficiency testing in the Scope of Registration, for vehicles Tires (Rolling resistance wet grip), the SASO 2857/2016 为何选择TÜV莱茵 / Why Choose TÜV Rheinland TÜV莱茵今朝已成为注册合适性评估机构(R-CABs) ,可供给SALEEM测试、查验和认证办事。 对轮胎制造企业,TÜV莱茵可供给的一站式轮胎测试办事,测试陈述不但可用在申请SASO轮胎标签,也可用在E-mark, GCC, 伊朗等认证申请。 TÜV Rheinland is a Registered Conformity Assessment Body (R-CABs) for the SALEEM Program and can provide the Testing, Inspection and Certification Services under SALEEM Program. For vehicle tire product, we can provide one station testing service, the tire test reports issued by TÜV Rheinland can be either used when apply tire SASO labels, or apply for E-mark, GCC and meet export requirements including Iran etc. (责任编纂:rain)

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